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Seoul, where life creates the meta-city, White paper on the 1st City Architect of seoul / 도시공간개선단

  • 9791161610313
  • 011 도69S
  • 도시공간개선단
  • Seoul, where life creates the meta-city, White paper on the 1st City Architect of seoul / 도시공간개선단
  • 대한민국 서울: 서울특별시, 2016
요 약
Introduction/Park Woon Soon, Mayor of Seoul Metropolitan Government
"Stepping Down from the Role of the 1st City Architect of Seoul/
Seung H-Sang, 1st City Architect of Seoul"

"Seoul is Coming Closer to the Daily lives of Its Citizens/
Kim Tae Hyung, Urban Space Improvement Bureau"

Recording the 1st City Architect of Seoul
Consultation for Urban Space Policy
Consultation for Each Type of Project
Consolidation of Policy
Seoul, Where Life Creates the Meta-City
Seoul within Seoul City Wall, Establishing Seoul's Identity
Reestablishing Seun Project
Seoul City Center Multi-faceted Pedestrian Network
Sejong-daero Specialized Historic Culture Space Construction Project
Yejang Jarak at Namsan Mountain Regeneration Project
Donuimun Museum Village Construction Project
Seoul City Wall Restoring Severed Areas
Gongpyeong Area Relics Exhibition Hall Construction Project
Seoul Craft Museum
Outside the Seoul City Wall, Towards Harmony between Life and City
Seoullo 7017
Mapo Oil Depot Regeneration and Park Construction
Nodeulseom Island Specialized Space Construction Project
Chang-dong and Sanggye New Economic Base Construction Project
Gaepo Guryong Village Urban Development Project
Space Salim
Pyeongchang-dong Art Cultural Complex
Changsin-Sungin-dong Quarry Attraction Project
Jeongneung-dong Environmentally Friendly Public Garage
Hongneung Biomedical R&D Anchor Construction
Janganpyeong Construction of the Automoblie Industry General Information Center
Bamseom Ecological Observation Deck Construction Project
International Exchange Complex Construction Plan
Gaepo Digital Innovation Park
Mangu Cemetery Park Construction
Seongdwi Village Public Housing Zone Construction Project
Hannam Renewal Promotion Plan
Low-Rise High-Density Urban Housing
Jamsil 5 Apartment Complex Plan
Reconstruction of Banpo 1, 2, 4 Jugu an Sinbanpo 3 Cha
Projects Underway in Seoul, Coming Closer to the Citizens of Seoul
Public Architect System
Reaching Out Community Service Center
3+5 Urban Regeneration Project
Seoul Public Sphere Map
Public Design Improvement Project
Urban Design Committee
"Let's Design Seoul" Design Competition Homepage
Seoul Biennale of Architecture and Urbanism
Seoul Architecture Festival
Seoul Urban Architecture Academy
Foreign and Domestic Architecture Cultural Exchange
Former and Current City Architects of Seoul
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7. 소결
서울시 건축문화진흥업무 관리 · 지원 시스템 구축
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서울시 공공건축 관리 · 지원 총괄체계 구축
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2. 공공건축 관리 · 지원 관련 법령 개선방안 제안
3. 서울시 공공건축 관리 · 지원 업무체계 구축
4. 서울시 공공건축 관리 · 지원 업무 총괄조직체계 제안
1. 결론
2. 연구의 한계 및 후속과제 제안
부록 1. 서울시 계약마당 중 건축관련 계약 목록
부록 2. 공공건축 관리 · 지원 방안 마련 자문회의록    


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